ℝ, see real line
- ⊥, see orthogonal
- SL2(ℝ), 5.1
- #, see instance with index
- Create Cycle ⚙, 1.1
- New cycle ↷, 1.2
- Define Cycle ≔, 1.1
- ±, see product sign
- ½, see only numeric coefficients
- ℜ, see only real coefficients
- ⇧, see положительно ориентирован, see positive orientation
- ⇩, see отрицательно ориентирован, see negative orientation
- ∞, see infinity
- ∠, see arcCos of cycle angle
- ∺, see cycles cross ratio, see cycles cross ratio
- ≄, see almost different
- ≠, see different, see different
- ⊚, see ad-hoc cycle reflection, see ad-hoc cycle reflection
- ⊞, see Möbius map
- ⋇, see two cycle product ratio
- ⋋, see f-orthogonal
- ⋐, see tangent inner
- Ⓢ, see Steiner power
- ♓, see in pencil
- ⟃, see named cycle conjugation
- ⟗, see rate cross ratios
- ⦻, see cross tangent distance
- ⧉, see fractional-linear map
- ⩈, see tangent both
- ⫓, see tangent outer
- Asymptote package, 4.2
- ad-hoc cycle reflection (⊚), 2.2, 2.4.2
- add point, 1.2
- almost different (≄), 2.4.3
- characterising relation, 2
- choosing relation, 2
- circle, 1.2
- constructing relation, 2
- context menu, 1.2, 1.2
- creation of subfigure, 3.3
- cross tangent distance (⦻), 2.4.1
- cycle, 1.2, 6, 6.2
- cycle angle, arcCos of (∠), 2.4.1, 6.3
- cycle space, 6.1
- description of subfigure, 3.3
- different (≠), 2.3, 2.4.3
- dilation transform, 5.1
- elliptic metric, 6.2
- equation
circle, of, 6.1
- cycle, of, 6.2
- export figure, 4.2
- f-orthogonal (⋋), 2.4.1
- figure, 1.2
- fractional linear transform, 5.1, 6.2
- fractional-linear map (⧉), 2.4.2
- generation of cycle, 1.2, 3.3
- graphics view, 1.2
- hyperbolic metric, 6.2
- Instance with index (#), 2.4.2
- imaginary unit, 5.1
- in pencil (♓), 2.4.1
- infinity, ∞, 1.2, 2.1
- input of subfigure, 3.3
- inversion, 5.1, 5.2
- LeftClick, 1.2
Shift/Ctrl modifiers, 1.2
- Lobachevsky line, 2.1, 6.3
- library of subfigures, 3
- line, 1.2, 2.1, 6.3
- linear, 2.1
- Möbius transform, 5.1, 6.2
- main menu, 1.2
- metric
cycle space, 6.2
- elliptic, 6.2
- hyperbolic, 6.2
- parabolic, 6.2
- point space, 6.2
| - mirror reflection, 5.2
- named cycle conjugation (⟃), 2.2, 2.4.2
- negative orientation relation (⇩), 2.4.3
- only numeric coefficients (½), 2.4.3
- only real coefficients (ℜ), 2.4.3
- orthogonal (⊥), 2.1, 2.4.1, 6.3
- orthogonality, 6.3
- output of subfigure, 3.3
- parabolic metric, 6.2
- parallel line, 2.1
- parameter of subfigure, 3.3
- point, 1.2, 2.1, 6.3
- point space, 6.1
- positive orientation relation (⇧), 2.4.3
- product
- product sign (±), 2.4.3
- RightClick, 1.2, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5
- real line, 1.2
- reflection, transform, 5.2
- relation, 1.2
ad-hoc cycle reflection (⊚), 2.2, 2.4.2
- almost different (≄), 2.4.3
- characterising, 2
- choosing, 2
- constructing, 2
- cross tangent distance (⦻), 2.4.1
- cycle angle, arcCos of (∠), 2.4.1, 6.3
- cycles cross ratio (∺), 2.4.1, 6.3
- different (≠), 2.3, 2.4.3
- f-Orthogonal (⋋), 2.4.1
- fractional-linear map (⧉), 2.4.2
- Instance with index (#), 2.4.2
- in pencil (♓), 2.4.1
- named cycle conjugation (⟃), 2.2, 2.4.2
- negative orientation (⇩), 2.4.3
- only numeric coefficients (½), 2.4.3
- only real coefficients (ℜ), 2.4.3
- orthogonal (⊥), 2.1, 2.4.1, 6.3
- positive orientation (⇧), 2.4.3
- product sign (±), 2.4.3
- rate cross ratios (⟗), 2.4.1
- SL(2,R) Möbius map (⊞), 2.4.2
- Steiner power (Ⓢ), 2.4.1, 6.3
- tangent (⩈), 2.1, 6.3
- tangent both (⩈), 2.4.1
- tangent inner (⋐), 2.4.1
- tangent outer (⫓), 2.4.1
- two cycle product ratio (⋇), 2.4.1
- result of subfigure, 3.3
- rotation transform, 5.1
- SL(2,R) Möbius map (⊞), 2.4.2
- Steiner power (Ⓢ), 2.4.1, 6.3
- shift transform, 5.1
- space
- subfigure, 3
- tangent (⩈), 2.1, 6.3
- tangent both (⩈), 2.4.1
- tangent inner (⋐), 2.4.1
- tangent outer (⫓), 2.4.1
- toolbar, 1.2
- transform, 5
dilation, 5.1
- fractional linear, 5.1, 6.2
- inversion, 5.1, 5.2
- Möbius, 5.1, 6.2
- reflection, 5.2
- rotation, 5.1
- shift, 5.1
- tree view, 1.2, 1.2
- two cycle product ratio (⋇), 2.4.1
- unit
- use subfigure ⚙, 3.2
- view