This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.3 Working with libraries of subfigures
There are geometric constructions, say finding the midpoint of
an interval, which need to be often performed but they are not
completely trivial. Furthermore, such constructions produce numerous
additional cycles, which make a figure much difficult to perceive. To
resolve such situation MoebInv libraries provide a tool called
subfigure, that is a figure used inside of another main
figure. In the programming language subfigure can be viewed as a
macro-like mechanism. Several subfigures can be collected into a
library. There is full freedom to operate and use such
libraries from Yaglom.
The following instructions are illustrated in the following video
Simpson line and library of
subfigures: https://youtu.be/GUmCppyUv60
3.1 Subfigures from a library and the figure
A user can employ subfigures from two sources:
- A pre-loaded library. There may exist many different libraries stored on media. Only one library can be loaded at a time. User can edit, merge and store content of libraries, see below.
- A figure may contain some subfigures which are not in the currently loaded library. If present, these figures are listed to the user under a separate heading.
The user can add any subfigure from the figure to the current library. For this
select by RightClick its context menu and choose Append to the library action. Further subfigure usage and library editing are explained in the following paragraphs.
3.2 Using a subfigure
To use a subfigure (either from the current library or current figure) select by
RightClick its context menu and choose Use this
subfigure ⚙ action. You will be presented with a dialog which will
briefly describe the subfigure and tells which cycles need to be
provided in a particular order.
In the edit box provided you need to give comma-separated list of
labels of cycles which you want to use. You may also specify a generation for newly created cycle(s) as discussed above, see 3.
Advise: You can create several figures simultaneously
providing the list of cycles to be used. Here are some examples for
midpoint subfigure:
- Giving input A,B you request one midpoint of the
interval AB.
- Giving input {A,B},C you request two midpoints of the
intervals AC and BC.
- Giving input {A,B},C,D you request four midpoints of the
intervals AC, BC, AD and BD .
3.3 Creation of a subfigure
A subfigure can be created from Yaglom as any other figure, yet using submenu Subfigures→ New subfigure simplifies some tasks. Notably, the following rules need to be observed:
- A subfigure shall have some generation zero cycles which are
used as subfigure input or parameters. Such cycles have to be labelled as
variable000, variable001, ….
- At least one input cycle labelled variable000 has to be
present in every subfigures.
- If subfigure needs n+1 input cycles they need to be
called variable000, variable001, …,
variable00n without gaps.
- A label shall has exactly
three decimal digit (padded by zeroes if needed). In
particular the number of input cycles is limited by 1000.
- If subfigure is used, cycles provided as parameters are
substituted to variable000, variable001, …in
the natural order. The number of provided parameters shall not
exceed the number of existing variables in the subfigure.
- If number of parameters provided is less than the number of
variables in a subfigure, then remaining variables preserve the
default values which were in use during the subfigure creation in
- The output (or result) of a subfigure is all cycles from
generation-1 or later without children. That is, all cycles
which are not
- input (aka generation-0) and
- intermediate steps of the geometric construction (have children)
shall be considered as the subfigure output.
- Only output of a subfigure will be explicitly added to the surrounding figure.
will not be seen from the embedding figure.
- A subfigure needs to have a clear description. This
description can be added through
Edit→Properties menu or will be prompted at
an attempt to add a subfigure. The description shall have two parts:
- A short (<80 chars) clear title ending by the period character
and new line. This title will be indicate the subfigure in the
library list.
- The rest of description shall clearly state subfigure purpose
(output), number and meaning of the expected variables (inputs)
with predefined order.
Advise: since variables of a subfigure shall have
the predefined labels, you will need to switch to either manual label creation or fine-tune automatic naming. The later adjustment will be done for you if Subfigures→ New subfigure submenu is used. Other cycles in the subfigure may
have arbitrary names which can be either automatically or manually
3.4 Addition of a figure as a subfigure to the current library
Once you created a desired subfigure in accordance with the rules in the
previous subsection you can:
Save it as ordinary figure in a separate file from
File→Save As menu.
Add it to the end of the current library from
Subfigures→Add the figure to library menu. Thereafter the position of the subfigure within the library can be arbitrary changed.
Insert it at an arbitrary position through the context menu
called by RightClick on a particular subfigure and selecting Add current figure before this.
In addition to the library is attempted Yaglom makes a basic
sanity check of the subfigure for suitability (see the previous
subsection) and some warning and advises can be issued to a user.
You may also append a previously saved library (see
option 1 in § 3.6) to the currently loaded through the menu Subfigures→Append file to library.
3.5 Editing the current library
The context menu in Library of subfigures (called by
RightClick) allow you either use a specific subfigure (see
§ 3.2) or modify the current library in
the following way:
- Reorder subfigures in the library by moving selected
figure up or down in the list.
- Edit the selected subfigure by loading it into the
Graphical View. Edited subfigure can be inserted in the
current library as a new subfigure or saved in a separate file
(e.g. for addition to another library).
- Remove the selected subfigure from the current
Caution: this operation cannot be reverted and the
subfigure will be permanently lost. You may want to save the
subfigure as separate file (see the above operation) before removing
it from the library.
- Add current figure (if it is suitable, see
§ 3.3) as subfigure to this library, see
§ 3.4.
3.6 Manipulating libraries of subfigures
The following operation are available in Subfigures menu and
give a user a full control of libraries of subfigures:
- Store current library as a separate file for further
- Load subfigure library, which was previously stored.
- Append file to library: all subfigures found in the
stored library will be appended to already existing subfigures in
the current library. Of course, such a merge of library can be done
repeatedly and the result stored as a new combined library.
- Store & make it default: the stored library will be
automatically loaded at every new start-up of Yaglom. Such a
default library can be also chosen from
Tools→Settings→GUI submenu.
Combining operations from
§§ 3.5–3.6 a user can
create and use arbitrary number of subfigure libraries specially
tailored for different tasks.