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: a different interactive geometry package
1.1 Interactive Geometry Packages and
1.2 Short overview of geometric constructions with
2 Quick start with cycle relations
2.1 Characterising relations for common geometric properties
2.2 Constructing relations
2.3 Choosing relations
2.4 List of all known relations
2.4.1 Characterising relations properties
2.4.2 Constructing relations properties
2.4.3 Choosing relations properties
2.5 Examples of relations for some common configurations
3 Working with libraries of subfigures
3.1 Subfigures from a library and the figure
3.2 Using a subfigure
3.3 Creation of a subfigure
3.4 Addition of a figure as a subfigure to the current library
3.5 Editing the current library
3.6 Manipulating libraries of subfigures
4 Python/Jypyter integration and exports
4.1 Integration with Python and Jupyter notebooks
4.2 Export a figure to other formats
5 Transforms
5.1 Fractional linear transformations
5.2 Reflections in cycles
5.3 What to do with cycles and their relations?
6 Connecting quadrics and cycles
6.1 The point space and the cycle space
6.2 Elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic metrics and cycle product
6.3 From space of cycle to space of points and return back
7 Contribute to the project